internal revenue service|internal revenue service in English

governmental department which deals with the collection of income taxes and taxes on domestic goods

Use "internal revenue service|internal revenue service" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "internal revenue service|internal revenue service" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "internal revenue service|internal revenue service", or refer to the context using the word "internal revenue service|internal revenue service" in the English Dictionary.

1. An Internal Revenue Service probe might follow.

2. His letters to the Internal Revenue Service went unanswered.

3. The Internal Revenue Service sought to disallow the payments.

4. The Internal Revenue Service thought it had a smoking gun.

5. The Internal Revenue Service regulations for the Housing Credit Program can be found under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code.

6. One of the most familiar examples is the Internal Revenue Service.

7. If not, the Internal Revenue Service certainly hammered home the message.

8. But the Internal Revenue Service wants the properties for taxes not paid.

9. The Internal Revenue Service ( IRS ) puts copies of tax forms on the Web.

10. Applying for An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a free service offered by the Internal Revenue Service

11. The score is that you are in trouble with the Internal Revenue Service.

12. The Internal Revenue Service had been saying direct deposits wouldn't start until next Friday.

13. Taxpayers embroiled in disputes with the Internal Revenue Service may soon get some help.

14. The Internal Revenue Service is committed to making its website Accessible to all people

15. Banks are also obligated to notify the Internal Revenue Service of certain questionable transactions.

16. If you have additional questions, contact your tax adviser or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

17. The Internal Revenue Service acknowledges that McGill, a retired civil engineer, never owed the government.

18. In January 1991, he joined the Internal Revenue Service after completing government exams and tests.

19. Internal Revenue Service: you confiscate the parachute along with their luggage, wallet, and gold fillings.

20. That's because the Internal Revenue Service counts thethe domestic partner's benefit as income for the employee.

21. Through withholding and estimated tax payments during the year, the Obamas paid $4104 to the Internal Revenue Service.

22. As a result, most of the money was held in an Internal Revenue Service escrow account for ten years.

23. Per the rules of the Internal Revenue Service, such IRA Custodians have to be financial institutions that are approved

24. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) accounts for changes to the CPI and publishes the new rates as "Tax Rate Schedules".

25. Registering as an anonymous LLC does not guarantee complete Anonymity from your bank or from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)